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Our Mission

Fashion is the 2nd Biggest polluter of our planet.


92 Million tons of Clothes enter landfill each year.


238 workers died from Textile related injuries in unsafe fast fashion related industries.


Fashion needs to change.

Thats why we are:

1. Improving old clothes that could have gone to landfill

2. Making a lot of our clothes by hand

3. Sourcing all our work in the UK.

How it works.



Vintage and Unwanted Garments.

First, we take unwanted and vintage clothes, from factory defects, to your grandma's Sweater,


preventing them from ending up in landfill.

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Improved And Upcycled.

We improve these clothes by adding designs and changing the silhouette.

All our work is sourced in the UK.



Each item is made with care, and each item is unique. 

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